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The appeals panel did grant a smaller victory to Tiffany by returning its previously dismissed claim of false advertising to the lower court for reconsideration. The jeweler has asserted that eBay misled consumers in ads on its own site ChronoSwiss Opus Skeleton CS-3 third-party search engines that linked to possibly fake Tiffany goods.Tiffany chairman and chief executive officer Michael Kowalski said his firm was very disappointed by the overall decision. The company said its attorneys were reviewing the ruling and would consider an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As an e-commerce leader, eBay has ChronoSwiss Opus Skeleton CS-5 responsibility to protect consumers and promote trust in its marketplace, Kowalski said. EBay knew that counterfeit merchandise was being sold on its site and eBay took no effective steps to stop it. EBay deliberately misled consumers for profit and, unfortunately, the court has justified its actions. The consumer is the real loser today.Meanwhile, eBay general counsel Michael Jacobson said the ChronoSwiss Opus Skeleton Midsize CS-11 validated the San Jose, Calif.-based Web firm's anticounterfeiting efforts.

We continue to support cooperation, rather than litigation, as the best way to address these issues in everyone's best interests and we remain confident that the one remaining issue in the case will be decided favorably on remand, Jacobson said.New York-based Tiffany first brought suit against the online marketplace in 2004. It alleged a majority of the Tiffany goods for sale on the site were counterfeit and that eBay was ChronoSwiss Regulateur Dual Time CS-16 to infringement by offering a venue for their sale. U.S. District Court Judge Richard Sullivan sided with eBay and dismissed the suit in July 2008 following a weeklong bench trial.

Par cathy le samedi 29 janvier 2011


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