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The incentive bonus equals twice Kowalski's annual salary of $1 million.The sum of Kowalski's stock and option awards grew 8.1 percent to $3.1 million from $2.9 million in 2008. Tiffany also recorded $1.6 million in change in ChronoSwiss Opus Skeleton CS-3 value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings for Kowalski, versus $454,000 in 2009.All other compensation was nearly halved to $168,000 from $322,000.Taking in $5.5 million last year, Jones' Card earned $6.2 million in 2008, but that amount was reduced to $5.4 million when he declined the $810,000 in nonequity incentive plan compensation. He accepted the $2.4 million earned on that budget line last year.

Jones' proxy said Card voluntarily elected not ChronoSwiss Opus Skeleton CS-5 accept receipt of the cash award in recognition of business conditions in late 2008 and 2009 and the impact on associates of the company. Jones engaged in aggressive cost cutting, including hundreds of store closures, as it fought to deal with the worst effects of the recession.Card's salary was unchanged at $1.6 million, and his $2.4 million incentive plan payment represented 150 percent of his ChronoSwiss Opus Skeleton Midsize CS-11 based on the company registering operating income and operating cash flow more than 10 percent above target levels. These calculations exclude nonrecurring items, such as one-time charges for goodwill or store impairment.

Last year, Jones narrowed its net loss to $86.3 million from an impairment-laden loss of $765.4 million in the prior year. Revenues fell 8 percent to $3.33 billion.Card received no option awards for last year's performance, as in 2008, and ChronoSwiss Regulateur Dual Time CS-16 value of his stock awards fell 63.8 percent to $1.3 million from $3.6 million.There was no change recorded in Card's pension value or nonqualified deferred compensation earnings, as in 2008, and all other compensation rose 7.7 percent to $225,000.


Par cathy le samedi 29 janvier 2011


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