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While accelerating the entry of competitive products of SMBs into the market, it will also minimize carbon emission during the circulation process of products, which comes as a great benefit for both the industry and the country.""The Delete-Links business model replica Rolex Datejust Ladies watch rrx0904195 manufacturers to reach consumers directly and rebuilds the trust of consumers by keeping a record of product's lifecycle," Xingwu Sun said. For this reason, all the products sold on the e-commerce platform of Delete-Links are products for which consumers have high safety requirements, such as health promotional products and clothes for babies & infants.

Every node in the production and sales process of these products is replica Rolex Datejust Ladies watch rrx0904196 at Delete-Links, so consumers can know everything about the products just by clicking them on the platform to discriminate products and have the peace of mind.Delete-Links aims to reduce the intermediate processes involved in R&D, production, and consumption, thus reducing carbon emissions. These processes include the information flow, the material flow (logistics operation), and the cash flow. The platform itself can provide all-replica Rolex Datejust Ladies watch rrx0904197 product information and enable manufacturers to do e-business directly with consumers.

It can also be used as the most direct and efficient advertising platform for brands in various industries. The prepaid card based membership system of Delete-Links enables manufacturers to fully understand the consumption needs and consumption habits and enhance the fund efficiency of and replica Rolex Datejust Ladies watch rrx0904198 to consumers.In addition, the rewards that consumers can get from the buying process are also very motivating. "If a product bought by someone sells better in the future, he will get a higher return. For example, if he bought RMB 1,000 worth of another product, we would return him RMB 800; but if he bought this product, we would return him RMB 1200," Xingwu Sun explained. This is what "consumption creates value" means, he added.


Par cathy le mercredi 09 février 2011


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