There were no injuries reported, according to Chief Dolan. He said one of his call firefighters was in the XMart across the street and heard such a loud noise, he thought it might have been a Concord C1 Chronograph CC-1 since the tracks are so close. The firefighter discovered the roof collapse.More than a dozen businesses at Heritage Mall on Southbridge Street in Auburn were closed yesterday afternoon as a precaution after workers shoveling the roof felt it flexing, according to Chief Coleman. A structural engineer and the building inspector called to the scene found the building to be structurally sound.
Officials at Genzyme Genetics at Concord C1 Chronograph CC-2 Computer Drive in Westboro evacuated its buildings and notified fire officials at 10:15 a.m. after noting a change in the shape of a ceiling, said Fire Lt. Robert W. Rand. The Concord C1 Chronograph CC-3 hired a structural engineer to assess the company's two buildings and to determine how to remove snow and ice from the roofs, he said.About 11:45 a.m., Walmart, at 742 Main St., Oxford, was evacuated because of structural concerns. The store will be closed until further notice. The Walmart stores in Worcester and Leicester were also closed because of snow load concerns, although the West Boylston store will remain open, a company spokesman said.
A roof collapsed at a vacant two-family, two-story house at 70 Randolph Road in Worcester about 7 a.m.Auburn Public Library was closed yesterday because of concerns about the building's flat roof.Concord C1 Chronograph CC-4 industrial houses could also be asked to ring-fence their various operations to safeguard their banking operations from risks associated with other businesses. [...] RBI is also mulling granting only retail banking license or a small bank licence for first five years as part of a dual-licensing regime.
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