"You can do it visually: A cow on skis? You can think your way through this!" she insisted. "And remember the 'Hokey Pokey'?" As the host fell silent, the senator started singing again: "You fill the o-val in, you write Mur-kow-ski out - pretty funky, huh?"Election seasons always produce "now it has come to this" moments, but in Alaska, where elections were often predictable until former Gov. Sarah Palin came on the scene, nearly every day seems to produce a surprise. The three major candidates for Senate Tiffany 1837 on sale almost propelled toward a tense, expensive showdown.Democrat ets boostThe upset win of Tea Party Express-backed candidate Joe Miller in the GOP primary has left Murkowski scrambling to organize a flanking maneuver.
But it has also injected new life into the campaign of Democrat Scott McAdams, the beneficiary of the intramural Republican hostilities.A month ago, Miller had 42 percent support to Murkow-ski's 27 percent. A Tiffany Bangles on sale poll last week showed the two Republicans in a statistical tie, and McAdams close behind. The big question: How many voters who say they plan to vote for Murkowski will hopelessly contort her name, or simply forget to write it, or neglect to fill in the oval bubble next to it?The Murkowski campaign is handing out Tiffany Bracelets on sale bracelets, pens and temporary tattoos as crib sheets for voters, even suggesting (with no apparent credit to Palin, who has endorsed Miller) that citizens could write the senator's name on their palms.
"There is no state of the art for write-in campaigns," said Anchorage pollster Marc Hellenthal. "This is breaking new ground, really."In Juneau last week, Murkowski, having flown in from Barrow in the far north, dropped in on a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, sat down for a pair of radio talk shows and hosted two coffee-and-cookie get-togethers before flying on to Tiffany Cuff Links on sale farther southeast - an exhausting schedule that left her so hoarse she had to cancel several events."We've learned that negative campaigning can work. We learned that sometimes the good guy loses - but not if you can launch a write-in!" she told supporters at campaign headquarters.Back on the outside
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